How to stop spammers with motion CAPTCHA using jQuery

Today's every developer wants to secure his website from spammers and auto form submit tool.
so the developers use the captcha for the human verification.
many captcha verification available like:
  • numeric captcha
  • alphabetic captcha
  • recaptcha (provided by google)
  • motion captcha (Next generation  captcha Solution )

So today we learn how to use motion captcha  in our forms.

Motion Captcha is a jQuery plugin that requires users to sketch the shape they see in the canvas in order to submit a form.

How it works:

 The plugin will use progressive enhancement so that the form uses a standard server-side (e.g. PHP) CAPTCHA script, and then on page load, the plugin switches that for the MotionCAPTCHA canvas, only if the browser is grown up enough.
For now, here's how it works

(if you need a step-by-step guide, there's a How-To below):

You manually disable your form, by emptying the form's action attribute, and placing its value in a hidden <input> with a specific ID. You should also put disabled="disabled" on the submit button, for added points.
You add a few HTML lines to your form to initialise the MotionCAPTCHA canvas, and add the plugin's scripts to your page.
The user draws the shape and, if it checks out, the plugin inserts the form's action into the <form> tag. The user can submit the form, happy days.
I know this is going to be unpopular in its current state, because you're making it impossible for people to submit the form without JavaScript or Canvas support - BUT, who gives a crap, it's fun. And in future, it'll degrade gracefully, etc etc.

How to use :

1. Add the plugin scripts: (I'm using jQuery 1.6 from the google API, but you could load it locally - and MotionCAPTCHA is supported down to jQuery 1.4):

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.motionCaptcha.0.2.min.js"></script>
<link href="jquery.motionCaptcha.0.2.css"></script>

2. Code the form as usual, with a unique ID (eg. '#mycoolform') and set the form action to blank (or '#') - eg:
<form action="#" id="mycoolform" method="[get/post]">

3. Add this placeholder <div> element to your form (NB. use <fieldset>s if you need it to validate) containing the blank canvas:

<div id="mc">
    <p>Please draw the shape in the box to submit the form:</p>
    <canvas id="mc-canvas"></canvas>

4.  Disable the submit button, eg:

<input type="submit" disabled="disabled" value="Submit Form" />

5.Add a hidden input to the form, with the form action as its value. Give it either a unique id, or the id 'mc-action', like so:

<input type="hidden" id="fairly-unique-id" value="submitform.php" />

6. Call the plugin on the form element. If you used any other ID than 'mc-action' for the hidden input, you'll just need to pass it to the plugin, like this:

    action: '#fairly-unique-id'

// Or, if you just used 'mc-action' as the hidden input's ID:

7. Other options are available (defaults are shown):

    // Basics:
    action: '#mc-action',        // the ID of the input containing the form action
    divId: '#mc',                // if you use an ID other than '#mc' for the placeholder, pass it in here
    cssClass: '.mc-active',      // this CSS class is applied to the 'mc' div when the plugin is active
    canvasId: '#mc-canvas',      // the ID of the MotionCAPTCHA canvas element

    // An array of shape names that you want MotionCAPTCHA to use:
    shapes: ['triangle', 'x', 'rectangle', 'circle', 'check', 'caret', 'zigzag', 'arrow', 'leftbracket', 'rightbracket', 'v', 'delete', 'star', 'pigtail'],

    // These messages are displayed inside the canvas after a user finishes drawing:
    errorMsg: 'Please try again.',
    successMsg: 'Captcha passed!',

    // This message is displayed if the user's browser doesn't support canvas:
    noCanvasMsg: "Your browser doesn't support <canvas> - try Chrome, FF4, Safari or IE9."

    // This could be any HTML string (eg. '<label>Draw this shit yo:</label>'):
    label: '<p>Please draw the shape in the box to submit the form:</p>'

To see the live demo:

To Download the source code:

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